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Start 2021 With Compassion For Yourself

Start 2021 With Compassion For Yourself

Do you struggle with showing yourself compassion? After all, you just survived a really rough year! The New Year has come and gone, but it’s left a lot of chaos in its wake. There has been civil unrest and violence for people in the United States not even a week into 2021. These issues have caused a lot of fear and sorrow. On top of that, many people spent the holidays alone or taking risks that are now contributing to the COVID-19 crisis.

Getting past these feelings can be challenging, but starting the new year with compassion for yourself and others can help immensely. After all, 2021 does come with a lot of hope. There is a vaccine and a new president in America. And you, wherever you are, are alive to celebrate and stay sober another day. It’s time to learn to be more forgiving and compassionate with yourself.

Having Compassion Yourself

Why do you need to be kind and compassionate to yourself? For one thing, it helps you be confident and healthy. For another, you can’t help others if you’re not taking care of yourself. Instead of focusing on saving the world, you also need to make time to take care of your own needs.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I eating three meals and a few snacks every day? Am I overeating or “eating my feelings”? Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not. Just make sure that you’re reaching for a fruit piece for a snack instead of a bag of chips. Your body needs nutrients! Care about yourself and your body and show it compassion. Meet its needs.
  • Am I practicing self-care? Make sure to take time to do something you find soothing, such as taking a long bath or going for a run. Show yourself compassion when you have a rough day and do something you love.
  • Do I forgive myself when I make a mistake, or do I put myself down? If you’re mean to yourself, it’s time to ask for help with building your self-esteem. Talk to your sponsor to learn how to build your self-image.
  • Am I accepting the love that my support network offers me? Sometimes people feel as if they don’t deserve love or support. But you do! You are worthy of love, honesty, and respect.
  • Do I call my sponsor or others when I need help? Do I think I am worth helping? Make an effort to ask for help more often when you need it.

Be kind to yourself in 2021. Show yourself compassion. Celebrate what you learn by rewarding yourself with something small, like a piece of cake or a day where you’re allowed to play video games all you want. It takes time to learn to forgive yourself and be compassionate, but it’s a vital skill. We only learn from our mistakes. When you beat yourself up for making them, you aren’t learning. We are all human, and all are learning to love ourselves a day at a time, just like.


Do you want to network with other recovery professionals? The Society of Addiction Recovery Residences is an alliance of sober homes and addiction professionals who work together to set the industry’s highest standards. We have free networking meetings and training online for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis.

To learn more about our organization or find a sober home, please browse our website or call us at 619-828-2001.