Sober living homes in California provide a critical bridge between formal addiction treatment and independent living. They can offer structure, support, and a place to lay your head at night […]
Have you ever considered living in sober housing? Sober home living is an important step for many people on the recovery journey. Ideally, a sober home strikes a balance between […]
San Diego is a great city, known for its beautiful coastline, vibrant culture, and supportive community. Many people in recovery will discuss how it’s a great place to get sober. […]
The San Diego recovery community offers a plethora of benefits to individuals seeking to overcome substance abuse and addiction. One of the primary advantages is the extensive support network available, […]
A substance use disorder (SUD) care plan is a comprehensive and individualized approach to addressing the complex needs of individuals struggling with substance abuse. Not every treatment center handles care […]
Therapeutic communication describes communication techniques for clinical settings such as hospitals, detox, and long-term treatment. These techniques are client-centered, prioritizing the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of the people that […]
Many people who go to both inpatient and outpatient treatment have goals that they are working on completing. Most want to stay sober and begin to heal their past. Many […]
People in recovery (as well as the rest of society) face unique struggles during the coronavirus era. It’s hard to isolate. Some people are suffering from anxiety and depression in […]
Can you work while you’re getting treatment for addiction? Many people who want to get clean and sober struggle with the thought of treatment because they’re worried about their job. […]
There’s countless medical studies that have shown a strong correlation between length of addiction treatment and length of ensuing sobriety. For decades, men and women who had completed a 28 […]