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Set Weekly Goals, Not Resolutions, This Year

Set Weekly Goals, Not Resolutions, This Year

Many people find setting New Year’s resolutions to be daunting. After all, setting a list of rigid changes that you must make – or fail – can be upsetting in recovery. Instead of creating “resolutions” this year, making a simple list of goals can help you enter 2020 with a clear list of things you want to work on.

Setting Weekly Goals

Everyone in recovery has a list of goals in their head. It helps clarify your purpose in life and can give you the motivation to keep going.  Staying sober, going to recovery meetings, and maintaining a sponsor are all items that are vital to success in your daily recovery. It’s okay to have some tasks in recovery that are negotiable or only done a few times a week.

Having a set of weekly goals is helpful because it gives you items that you get to fit into your schedule when you can. These goals can help you learn the best times to do specific tasks, and help you plan things at your leisure.

Here are some great examples of weekly goals:

  • Keep a gratitude list when you feel angry or depressed. Gratitude will help you pull yourself up at the beginning of the day or the end.
  • Say the Serenity Prayer more often. If you don’t have a higher power, you pray to yet, try just saying the prayer to yourself if you are upset about something.
  • Spend at least three days this week practicing self-care, such as taking a walk, reading a book, or spending time doing something else positive that you love.
  • Read daily meditations a few times a week.
  • Get exercise at least four days a week.
  • Cook dinner at least three nights a week.
  • Help somebody else who needs it at least twice a week.

Goals Are For Inspiration, Not Self-Shaming

Weekly goals don’t have to be on a schedule, and they shouldn’t stress you out if you don’t complete them. Many people beat themselves up for things they forget, but that’s not the point of setting goals. Unlike daily goals, such as spending time studying every day or getting to work on time, weekly goals can be about spending more time doing specific activities that enhance your life. Most people in recovery have daily, weekly, and monthly goals.

Beating yourself if you feel like you failed isn’t part of recovery. You don’t have to feel bad if you fail. Sometimes things don’t work out, and you will have to try something new. For example, if you wanted to get an “A” on a test, but get a “C” instead, you can change your approach by studying more often or finding a tutor.


The Society of Addiction Recovery Residences is an alliance of sober homes and addiction professionals who work together to share knowledge, fellowship, and recovery tools. To learn more about our organization or find a sober home, please browse our website or call us at 619-828-2001.