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How to Add Self-Care to Your Recovery

How to Add Self-Care to Your Recovery

Life can be stressful for everyone, especially in recovery. Even if you’ve learned how to cope with your emotions, it’s easy to get worn out by them if you’re stressed every day. Self-care is a valuable tool to use if you’re having a bad day or week. Many people think of self-care as taking a bath or going on a shopping trip. While for some people, this is self-care, you’re not limited to what you see in the media. Learning what kinds of activities make *you* feel better is essential. After all, we are all individuals.

Why Practice Self-Care?

Self-care is about nurturing yourself. Everyone has things that stress them out or put them in a bad mood. Self-care helps you release that negative energy by doing something for yourself that enables you to unwind. What relaxes you? What makes you feel better or more confident? What makes you feel powerful? Think about some of your favorite things to do.

There are many types of self-care you can practice, from meditation to going surfing. You aren’t limited by your own experience, either. Self-care can be exploring new ways to enjoy life and yourself.

Ideas For Self-Care On A Budget

Most people new to recovery are on a limited budget. When you first start practicing self-care, you’ll probably wonder if you have the time or money for it. This exercise isn’t about how much you spend; it’s about how a task makes you feel.

For many tasks like meditation or yoga, there are free videos to help you learn techniques online. Don’t limit yourself! You’re new to recovery, but you’ve been learning things your whole life. The most important part of self-care is that it makes you feel good. If you’ve chosen a task that seems like a chore, it’s not self-care.

Here are some great ideas for self-care on a budget:

  • Go for a run or a hike.
  • See a movie.
  • Take time to read a book every day.
  • Practice daily meditation.
  • Learn yoga.
  • Go surfing.
  • Visit an art gallery.
  • Make your own art
  • Spend time with your kids.
  • Spend time with your pet.
  • Take a free class online.
  • Jam on your guitar.
  • Soak up some rays (but use sun-block!)
  • Buy yourself a cup of coffee.
  • Listen to your favorite music.

Learning More About Recovery Housing

Living with other people in recovery is a great way to feel empowered, stay on course, and discover new coping tools. Check out our directory and pick up the phone if you’re interested in sober housing.